Monthly archive for December2013

Servoy Tutorial: Table Tree View

Servoy Tutorial: Table Tree View

This Servoy Tutorial is on how to build a table with expandable/collapsible nodes, like a tree. True, you can probably find a CSS, JQuery or DHTML control that does it better, but this is done using the native Servoy table view. I first did this back…

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Servoy Tutorial: Optimized Table Shuffle

Servoy Tutorial: Optimized Table Shuffle

This Servoy Tutorial demonstrates how to shuffle rows in a table view, and looks at different approaches to determine the most efficient. Determining the most efficient approach for the shuffle, also reinforces some best practices for working with a foundset of records in Servoy. Table…

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Servoy Tutorial: Maintainable Code

Servoy Tutorial: Maintainable Code

This is a Servoy Tutorial on how to write maintainable code. Maintainable code means that it can be easily read, understood, extended, and maintained. This Servoy tutorial builds upon what you learned in the two other tutorials at this site, Encapsulation and Event Driven Architecture. You…

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Servoy Tutorial: Event-Driven Architecture

Servoy Tutorial: Event-Driven Architecture

This Servoy Tutorial is a discussion on how to build an application using an event-driven architecture, employing a loosely coupled modular design. This Servoy tutorial is an extension of the prior tutorial on Encapsulation. You should read that tutorial first before attempting to understand why…

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Servoy Tutorial: Encapsulation

Servoy Tutorial: Encapsulation

This Servoy Tutorial is a discussion about encapsulation and best practices. We have been given new abilities in Servoy Developer to use encapsulation with forms, relations, and even value-lists, but do we know what we are supposed to do with this capability? For those of…

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